About Me

My name is Melissa and this is not my first attempt at weight loss, but this time I am determined to finish no matter how long it takes!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Been crazy...

Man, its been crazy around here lately. Today has been my first completely OP day in what feels like months. I got my reminder for my yearly physical today for the beginning of September... about 9 weeks away!! I really REALLY want to be at 165 by then. My doctor will be so happy that I would have lost 20 pounds since last year. So, with the little bit I have gained thats 11.8 pounds in that time. Totally doable as long as I stay on track!! I can do it!

I made the Sausage Pumpkin Pasta again tonight from Emily Bites website. Soooo yummy! Made a double batch so I could have a couple of servings left over after my hubby attacks it. I've got to start trying more of her recipes, I don't think I have found one that I didn't like! And, everyone who eats them, ww'ers on not, love them too! Always a plus.

1 comment:

  1. I just made her chicken and biscuits recipe last night! SO good! I have to try the pumpkin and sausage asap.
