About Me

My name is Melissa and this is not my first attempt at weight loss, but this time I am determined to finish no matter how long it takes!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Annndddd I'm back...

I had two fairly back to back vacations and then a very busy week last week after getting back (during which I still managed to lose 3.3 pounds... even though I had gained it during the vacations). Well I am back and ready to go...

I was thinking that in just 5 weeks or so, it will have been a year since I started WW again with the intentions of it being the time I will hit goal! As of now, I am just 7.5 pounds down from that time last year, and my goal is to hit 12 pounds by then. At first I was thinking to myself, well thats nothing for a whole year, you can do better than that, but I realized... if I NEVER started I would proabably be atleast 10 pounds heavier by now. So, it has been worth all of the struggling and back and forth.

So, in five weeks my goal is to lose 4.5 pounds, just under a pound a week... I CAN DO IT! That will also put me almost at my 5% goal!!

Here's to a great week OP and working out!!!

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